Learning Typescript Iterators


As a software developer who is always looking for efficient ways to write clean code, I discovered Typescript and the concept of iterators. Typescript is a JavaScript superset that enables the creation of more structured and maintainable code. In this article, I am introducing Typescript iterators and delving into their different types, how to use them, their advantages, limitations, and how they compare to generators.

What are Typescript Iterators?

An iterator is an object that implements the iteration protocol that enables looping over objects such as Arrays, Maps, and Sets. Typescript iterators are similar to iterators in JavaScript, with an additional emphasis on type annotations.

Types of Iterators

There are three types of iterators in Typescript, which are:

  1. Array Iterators:
    An array is a collection of elements, and the array iterator contains a function that returns values sequentially and one at a time from the array. The array iterator object comes with two methods, which are next() and return(). The next() method returns the next element in the array, and the return() method stops the iteration.
  2. Map Iterators:
    Maps are collections that store key-value pairs of elements. The Map iterator contains a function that returns the key-value pairs sequentially. The Map iterator object has two methods known as next() and return(). The next() method returns an object with the value property set to the current key-value pair being iterated over. The return() method stops the iteration.
  3. Set Iterators:
    Sets are also collections that store unique elements. The Set iterator contains a function that returns the set elements sequentially. The Set iterator object has two methods known as next() and return(). The next() method returns an object with the value property set to the current element being iterated over. The return() method stops the iteration.

How to use Typescript Iterators

Using Typescript iterators is very similar to using iterators in JavaScript.

Basics of creating Iterators:

To create a new iterator, you need to implement the iteration protocol by declaring an Iterable interface and an Iterator interface as illustrated below.

interface Iterable<T> {
    [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T>;

interface Iterator<T> {
    next(value?: any): IteratorResult<T>;
    return?(value?: any): IteratorResult<T>;
    throw?(e?: any): IteratorResult<T>;

Working with for…of loop:

The for…of statement in Typescript is used to iterate objects that implement the iterable interface. The loop statement is illustrated below.

for (let value of iterable) {
    // code block that gets executed

Implementing custom iterators:

You can implement custom iterators in Typescript by creating iterable objects that can be iterated over using for…of loops. Custom iterators enable software developers to define their own objects such as DOM trees and databases to return values sequentially.

Advantages of using Typescript Iterators

  1. Enhanced Programming Experience:
    Typescript iterators can make software development easier and quicker. As iterators enable software developers to access the data they want and need from arrays, maps, and sets in a specific and structured manner.
  2. Improved Code Readability:
    Typescript iterators can make software code easier to read, understand, and maintain. The use of iterators makes code cleaner, and developers can extract only the needed data instead of processing all the data.
  3. Reduced Code Complexity:
    Typescript iterators make it easier for developers to write more sophisticated and efficient algorithms. Iterators can reduce the complexity of code, improve the readability of code, and prevent developers from making hard-to-find errors.

Limitations of Typescript Iterators

  1. Additional Overhead:
    Typescript iterators add additional overhead to software code, which can slow down the performance of the software application. The additional overhead happens when using custom iterators to define large data structures.
  2. Limitations to Specific Data Structures:
    Typescript iterators have limitations to specific data structure types such as arrays, maps, and sets. Custom objects cannot implement the Iterable interface.

Comparison between Typescript Iterators and Generators

Both Typescript iterators and generators enable software developers to iterate over objects, however, there are differences in how they function.

Functionality Comparison:

Typescript iterators return a set of defined objects, while generators return a sequence of values, not a set of objects. Typescript iterators perform the role of a data structure, whereas generators perform the role of a function.

Use Cases Comparison:

Typescript iterators are more efficient for accessing data in objects such as arrays, maps, and sets. Generators, on the other hand, are suitable for accessing data that cannot be easily defined by an object, such as data from a WebSocket.


To sum it all up, Typescript iterators are similar to iterators in JavaScript, with an additional focus on type annotations. They come in three flavors, which are array iterators, map iterators, and set iterators, with a similar implementation in each case. The advantages of Typescript iterators include the improvement of the programming experience, code readability, and the reduction of code complexity. Their limitations relate to additional overheads to software code and their restricted usage to specific data structures. Finally, Typescript iterators and generators differ in their functionality and use cases, with Typescript iterators better suited to accessing data in objects such as arrays, maps, and sets. Further research into Typescript iterators and generators is encouraged, with attention given to the implementation and use of custom iterators and their performance.

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