How To Use Environment Variables In React


Have you ever had to work on a React application and found yourself dealing with different environments or sensitive data? Setting up environment variables can make your life easier and provide a safer way to store information that should not be accessible to the public.

In this article, we’re going to look at how to use environment variables with React. You’ll learn what environment variables are, why they are important for React applications, and how to set them up. We will also cover best practices for working with environment variables, such as keeping sensitive information secure and testing them properly.

Setting Up Environment Variables

Before diving into how to use environment variables in React, we need to go over how to set them up.

  1. Installing and Configuring dotenv

The dotenv package is an npm package that allows us to read variables specified in a .env file into Node.js’ process.env.

To use the package, install it via npm.

npm install dotenv

After installing, create and configure a .env file in your project directory. The dotenv configuration does not automatically occur in a React application, so you’ll need to configure dotenv yourself at the beginning of your application.

  1. Create A .env File

The .env file is where you’ll keep all the environment variables that your application requires. Each variable should have a name and a value separated by an equals sign. The variable name can be uppercase or lowercase, but it’s a common practice to write them in uppercase letters. Syntactically, there should be no spaces on either side of the equals sign.

Here’s what a basic .env file will look like:


The above file contains two variables: SERVER_URL and APP_SECRET. The server URL and application secret are essential for managing React applications that might need to communicate with backend API services or use sensitive information like passwords or API keys.

  1. Configure Environment Variables in Different Environments

It’s common to have different configurations for your applications in development, testing, and production environments. Fortunately, the dotenv package makes it easy to manage your React application’s configuration for these different environments.

To configure dotenv for different environments, you can create separate .env files, one for each environment. For instance, you’ll have a .env.development file for development environments and a .env.production file for production environments.

To use the configuration files differently during deployment, you should use your CI/CD pipeline or your hosting solution to set the proper value to the NODE_ENV environment variable.

Using Environment Variables in React

Now that you have your environment variables set up, it’s time to use them in your React application. We’ll look at the different methods to inject environment variables at build time and access them via a component.

  1. Injecting Environment Variables at Build Time

One way of using environment variables is to build your React application with the proper environment configuration. To do so, you’ll need to rely on a module bundler like Webpack to inject them at build time.

Webpack provides a method of inserting the environment variables from your .env file into your code through its EnvironmentPlugin.

Here is an example of setting the node in the webpack.config.js file to production:

const webpack = require("webpack");
const dotenv = require("dotenv");


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(['NODE_ENV', 'SERVER_URL'])

By passing an array of environment variables required during build time, the values from .env automatically get injected into your React application’s production build.

  1. Accessing Environment Variables Through process.env

Using process.env in your React code helps access the environment variables defined in your .env file at runtime. This technique is usable for both client or server-side applications.

Since Create-React-App automatically configures Webpack for our React application, assigning environment variables in our React code is as simple as importing them using process.env.

Here’s a simple example of using an environment variable in a component:

import React from 'react';

function App() {
  const serverUrl = process.env.SERVER_URL;

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Server URL: {serverUrl}</h1>

export default App;

In this example, we can access the SERVER_URL value defined in our .env file using process.env.SERVER_URL.

Note that when we refer to an environment variable’s value with the process.env.VARIABLE_NAME syntax, the value we get is a string. Thus, if you want to get a boolean or integer value, you’ll need to use JSON.parse() or parseInt().

  1. Implementing Environment Variables in React Components and Modules

Incorporating environment variables in React can be a breeze if you follow the best practices. It’s important to remember that React’s design promotes separating component logic from component definition. Therefore, we must apply these principles to implement environment variables in React components, including modules and service files.

The approach is simple. You can create a configuration module that exposes the necessary variables to all modules that need them.

Here’s a basic example of a configuration module:

// config.js
const SERVER_URL = process.env.REACT_APP_SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:3000';

export { SERVER_URL };

You can make available a set of variables expected to be present in a React environment. In the example above, we provided a default value of http://localhost:3000 if however, the SERVER_URL environment variable is not present.

With this, you can now import your configuration file in your React components and use the values during runtime.

import {SERVER_URL} from './config';


Best Practices for Working with Environment Variables

When working with environment variables, several best practices will help keep your React application secure, and running efficiently.

  1. Keeping Sensitive Information Secure

Environment variables can include sensitive data such as API keys, user credentials, or other data that should not be public. It’s best practice to keep them secure by storing them in a .env file not included in the version control system or accessible to the public.

  1. Organizing Environment Variables Effectively

It is tempting to have many environment variables with descriptive names, but over time, this could cause confusion and improperly update values. A better strategy is to investigate which variables are absolutely necessary, and organize them in

a logical manner. Naming conventions can be helpful, such as prefixing variable names with the name of the application or environment.

  1. Testing Environment Variables and Avoiding Common Mistakes

When managing environment variables, it’s essential to test and validate them regularly. Some common mistakes to avoid include misspelling variable names, using improper syntax for files, and incorrect path definitions. Regularly testing environment variables in a testing environment will ensure that they are working correctly and that any issues are caught before deployment.


In summary, environment variables are an essential part of a developer’s toolkit when working with React applications. They allow us to manage different environment configurations, securely store sensitive information and keep our applications running smoothly.

In this article, we’ve explored what environment variables are, why they are important for React applications, and how to set them up. We’ve also looked at different ways to inject them into our React application and how to use them via the process.env syntax. We’ve also discussed best practices for working with environment variables and how to avoid common mistakes.

With this knowledge, you should be able to use environment variables effectively and safely in your React applications. Whether you’re building a personal project or working on a team, environment variables will help you keep your application secure and properly configured for different environments.

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